The Slovak NGO “EduEra” is happy to invite you to apply for participation in our upcoming youth exchange “SPREAD THE WORD!”

“SPREAD THE WORD!” is an international youth exchange on building and developing digital competencies by building an offline and online marketing campaign about Erasmus+ opportunities which will be spread among young people in your local communities.
The youth exchange is targeted at young people from rural areas, experiencing economic obstacles and others, and will take place from February 22nd to March 2rd of 2019 in Bardejov in eastern Slovakia. Funding is provided by the Slovak National Agency for ERASMUS+: Youth in Action, Key Action 1.
Rád by si sa zúčastnil tejto skvelej mládežníckej výmeny? Spoznal ľudí z rôznych krajín Európy, naučil sa čo to o marketingu, zlepšil si svoju angličtinu? Napíš nám!