TC “Step inside volunteering” is an Erasmus+ youth workers mobility project funded by the European Union through Erasmus+ Programme . The project coordinator is Association “Inspiration”-Bulgaria which will implement it in partnership with Municipal Youth Centre Ruse, Bulgaria.
Dates of project activities: 10. 10. - 16. 10. 2018; Ruse, Bulgaria

The project "Step inside volunteering" is a training activity for youth workers, coordinators and representatives of European youth organizations. The main objective of the project is to enable participants to gain new knowledge, exchange experience with colleagues, share best practices and motivate them to continue or start working on volunteer projects under "Erasmus+" KA1 and European Solidarity Corps in partnership with partner organizations involved in the training.
Some of the topics in the programme are: - Background and Principles of Volunteering - European Voluntary Service/Erasmus+ volunteering - European Solidarity Corps - Volunteering regulations in the European countries - Recognition of volunteering work - Project management in volunteering projects - Working with project applications - Conflict management - Good practices in volunteering projects - News about the new volunteering programme in the next period